LSL - Making Good Bikes Perfect! has been a dealer of the German brand LSL for years. LSL is known for their innovative and high-quality motorcycle products. The German brand continuously invests in research and development to use the best materials and technologies. This results in a range of parts that are not only functional, but also have a unique appearance

LSL was founded in 1983 in Germany. It all started in a small garage, where engine parts were designed and produced with great dedication and precision. In the beginning, the focus was mainly on the Yamaha XS models. But due to the rapidly growing popularity, the range was soon expanded to other brands and models. Today, LSL still produces in the same way as then, for motorcycles of all makes and years.

KTM - spiegels LSL Valbokken / Crash Pads LSL Kentekenplaathouder LSL Spiegels en hevels LSL

Crash Pads

One of LSL's most well-known products are the crash pads (also often called 'Crash Pads' in the Netherlands). Strong mounting brackets are produced for many motorcycle models. In addition, the fall blocks are available in many shapes and colors. These blocks also ensure that the engine looks more aggressive.

Brake switch sets

LSL brake link sets look stunning, even before they are installed. The finish and quality is sublime. There are different variants (all for specific motorcycle models). With these sets you can reverse shift, mount quickshifters and adjust them to various height positions. An indispensable product, especially on the track!

All LSL products are TÜv tested

And therefore approved for almost all countries in the world.


You probably recognize it. You have bought a sporty motorcycle, but after a certain period you notice that the sitting position is no longer comfortable and you are experiencing problems with your wrists due to leaning forward. LSL has developed conversion kits for this. The clip-ons are replaced by a triple clamp, on which a normal handlebar can be mounted. This automatically gives you a better sitting posture.

Brake and clutch levers

No one has as much choice in colors and models as LSL for brake levers and clutch levers. They really look fantastic on the bike! In addition, they can be adjusted to different angles for optimal use. The racers on the circuit have also been considered, with adjustable length levers.

clubman lsl LSL spiegels en sturen LSL spiegel en onderdelen Spiegels en stuurombouw LSL

Mirrors, grips and other parts

In addition to brand and model specific parts for motorcycles, LSL also has many universal products. This includes mirrors, handles, handlebar weights and other products to make the motorcycle more beautiful and better.

Handlebars and handlebar risers

LSL has many steel and aluminum handlebars in its range that are (universally) applicable for most motorcycle brands. The handlebars are available in different colors and with diameters ø22.2mm, ø25.4mm and ø28.6mm. Steer a little higher? LSL also has various raisers in its range for this purpose.

View ALL LSL products here
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Elmar has been active in the motorcycle industry since 2010. He was trained as a motorcycle technician, but he found his calling in accessories and parts. He is eager to learn and has acquired a lot of technical knowledge about the products over the years. Elmar is a true motorcycle enthusiast, which makes his work also his hobby. He can give you good advice and is happy to help you find the right motorcycle accessories and parts.

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